Your name: Ales
Your age: 23
Characters name: Distraught
Server: Frostwolf
Class: Restoration Druid
What does Juke mean: to fake or decieve to your advantage
Do you Juke: whenever i can ;D
You will be required to prove this to us, Ok with that: of course, chaining feared offensive abilities in an effort to draw an interrupt in arena is a MUST DO.
Read more: bookmarked before this application
How Many years you been playing that Class:since the first day of world of warcraft
Spec: Resto
Years playing that spec: since release in 2004
Witch class's give you trouble in 1v1: rogue, mage, pally
Do you use keybindings: thats all i use
How many: ^^
how many Abilitys do you Click: none at all
Wow Armory link (works sometimes.):
Vent: of course
Mic: of course
Highest arena team: dropped them all doing only for fun to help people get points but a 5v5 created last night 266
BattleGround Rating:
Why does Rated Guild want you over another: 17 k heals in 10m raids, always top of the healing charts in every battleground plus maxd enchanting and inscriptioning
What separates you from others that play your class: i have skill and knowledge on how to play the class well enough to keep my main spells as well as avoidance skills to maintain staying alive
What separates you from others that play your spec: same as above and have multiple druid characters that have hit lvl 80+ and always am resto so have mastered the spec
What can you bring to the table: max enchanting and inscription, amazing heals, good survival skills, great for starting of PvE as well as helpful in PvP
Current Guild: Seven Deadly Sinz
Time in guild: Not Very Long
Last 2 guilds: Unknown outside of that was on different servers
Do you know anyone in Rated: No i do not How:
PVE Experience: WotLK so much experience, not much in Cata however in raids i pull top heal meter even with my low gearscore and also skilled in healing.
How long you been PVE player: Always have been a PvE player just started PvP more recently and would love to go somewhere with it
Spec you pve with: IE not spec you like, Witch are you best at: Resto in both cases
Willing to change specs on request: yes and can learn it quickly
Hours you can attend events: give me times, and ill be there almost always usually the later (server time) it is the better
Others things you think we should know: I LOVE WoW lol and PvP and PvE and am willing to be completely dedicated
Who do you know in Rated: No One just saw it advertised
Tell us a little about who you are: I live in Chicago, IL work the day play wow and work out by night, love helping and always will in any case, whether its with enchants, mats, inscription, lvling, running through dungeons, and i have hundreds of notes on every class and raid and dungeon in the game, have perfect talent trees and combinations which can greatly improve others gameplays and am willing to spend hours working on helping another person on their character.